Step one register
In order to book you must register on the website. This is so that we have your contact details in case we need to contact you about your booking.
The club does offer a concession rate for bookings, so if you think you are eligible for a concession then please enter your date of birth and the reason why you think you qualify for a concession. The club will then review your reason.
To register click here and fill out all your details and enter a password.
Step two login
To login enter your email address and your password. To login click here.
Step three start to book
Choose the book option from the top menu or click here.
Step four choose a date
By default the booking page will show the bookings for today. To see the bookings for another day simply enter the date in the date field at the top and press ‘Change Date’.
Please note: Club facilities can only be booked 7 days in advance.
Step four choose a facility
The booking grid shows all the club’s bookable facilities across the top and the half hour booking slots downwards.
Each booking slot is colour coded as follows:
Green – Available
Grey – Not Available
Yellow – Payment Required
Blue – Your bookings
Peach – Cannot book yet.
By default the grid shows bookings for a full pitch. If you only require half a pitch, for example as you are playing a 7s game, then click on the ‘Half Pitch’ button above the booking grid and the display will change to show all the half pitches.
You can also see both full and half pitches simultaneously by clicking ‘All Pitches’.
When a half pitch has been booked then the full pitch will then show as unavailable to book.
Step five choose a booking slot
In order to make a new booking click on the green box within the grid for your chosen facility and time. The booking slot will then change to red. If you choose the wrong box then simply click on it again to change it back to green again.
You can book multiple slots and multiple facilities at the same. For example, you may wish to book a grass pitch with a changing room.
Step six book your booking slots
When you have chosen all your facilities and booking slots then click on the red ‘Book’ button above the grid.
Step seven confirm you booking
A summary of your chosen facilities and booking slots will be shown with the price for each one and a total cost.
If you are happy with your booking then click the ‘Confirm booking’ button.
If you do not want to proceed or wish to change something then click the ‘Cancel’ button. All your chosen bookings will be cancelled and you will be taken back to step four.
Step eight payment required
Once you have confirmed your booking you then need to pay so click the ‘Pay Now’ button
If you do not want to proceed or wish to change something then click the ‘Cancel’ button. All your chosen bookings will be cancelled and you will be taken back to step four.
Step nine Pay Pal payment
All online bookings need to be paid for via Pay Pal and so you will be transferred to the Pay Pal website.
At this step if you have a Pay Pal account you can login and pay with it. Or you can pay by Debit or Credit card without logging on.
Once you have paid on Pay Pal you will be automatically transferred back to the club website. Please wait to be transferred back as this is the last stage confirms your payment.
If at anytime you decide not to proceed on Pay Pal you can click the link ‘Cancel and return to Bonnyrigg Rose Community Football Club’. This link is usually at the bottom of the Pay Pal page. Your bookings will then be cancelled and no payment will be taken.
Step ten email confirmation
Once you have paid on Pay Pal and your payment has been confirmed you will receive a confirmation email from the club with the details of your booked facilities and booking slots. Keep this email for your records.
If you do not receive an email check you junk or spam folders.
Step eleven view your bookings
You can view your bookings on the booking grid by clicking Book again.
Your bookings will appear in blue within the grid with your name displayed. Ensure you are looking at the correct date.
If you have problems booking then please contact us via email at and we will get back to you. Please include your contact details so that we can phone you back if necessary.